How to Get the Most Out of Your Next Virtual Career Fair

Virtual Career Fair Advice

Virtual career fairs are necessity today but won’t be going away anytime soon. Why? They’re simply more effective, efficient and ultimately a better way to create meaningful connections between students and employers.

Virtual career fairs allow employers to quickly and easily connect with more right-fit candidates around the world right from their computer or cell phone without completely disrupting their workday or week. This digital hiring solution also makes it easier for job-seeking attendees to visit more booths, ask more questions, learn about multiple new opportunities, and expand their network all while in the comfort of their own home.

Here are a few tips for job seekers and employers to get the most out of their next virtual career fair.  


For Job Seekers: 

Do your research  

Find out what companies will be attending and learn their mission, company culture, and open opportunities. Then, prepare a few questions to ask when you visit their booth. Letting employers know that you’ve done research shows them how interested you are and it can set you apart from other candidates.  

Follow employers of interest  

Whether it’s on social media or within your career development portal like GradLeaders, favorite/follow the companies you want to work for so you can stay on top of the latest news with the company. Send recruiters and alumni working at the company a message introducing yourself and let them know you look forward to speaking with them at the career fair. This will spark their interest and encourage them to look out for you during the event. 

Update your resume and write a cover letter  

Send your revised resume and cover letter to the companies you’re interested in before the event. Make sure your resume has your most recent experiences and skills listed that relate to the positions you’re applying for.  

Create a profile  

Upload a professional photo on your career fair platform and fully complete your jobseeker profile with a bio, updated resume and cover letter. Employers will visit your profile and develop a first impression before they even speak with you, so it’s important your documents are updated and your profile looks professional.  

Develop a game plan  

Determine the top few companies you’d like to speak with and schedule your time accordingly to ensure you’re able to engage with all of them. Practice with virtual mock interviews through your career center to gain confidence when speaking with employers. Also, familiarize yourself with the career fair platform and test your technology in advance so you’re ahead of the game.  

Be Professional  

Dress as you would for an in-person career fair with business casual attire. Have a clean background to limit distractions when you’re on video calls, pay close attention to your body language, and have an elevator speech prepared ahead of time.  


For Employers: 

Advertise the event 

Post about the career fair prior to the event on social media platforms and advertise your presence on the host’s campus recruiting portal like GradLeaders. Create posts that share when the event is taking place, who from your company will be attending, and any open positions you hope to fill. This will create excitement and increase the number of students who visit your booth.  

Engage with students prior to the event  

Research potential attendees ahead of time and find candidates that seem like a good fit for your company. Send them a message through the virtual career fair platform to tell them about your company, opportunities, culture, and introduce your company’s attendees. This will capture their attention and influence them to visit you at the fair. 

Set your goals before the event 

Know what positions your looking to fill, how many open spots you have available, and what your ideal candidate looks like. This will help you know what to look for at the event and determine how many job seekers you can interview.  

Develop a game plan 

Based on how many people from your company will be attending, set up a game plan to determine everyone’s role at the event. This will help your booth run smoothly and ensure that everyone is on the same page.  

Create a lasting impression 

Set up a visually appealing and inviting virtual booth by using your company logo and bright colors. Make it attractive and easy to navigate so students and graduates are drawn to your booth and feel comfortable staying. Have presentations with general information about your company, pamphlets that job seekers can download, a list of open positions, and a section where they can chat, video call, and interact with recruiters and employers.  

Follow-up after the event  

Use data-analytics tools to compare your goals to outcomes and determine how successful you were. Analyze what worked and what didn’t. Follow-up with all the candidates who visited your booth (not just the top candidates) by sending them a survey to evaluate what they enjoyed at the event and what you can do better next time. Remain in contact with candidates who sparked your interest and schedule a time for an interview.  


Need help with your next virtual career fair? GradLeaders offers end-to-end career development and recruitment solutions for the entire student journey, simplifying the process for everyone involved. We’d love to show you our all-new virtual career fair solution and discuss additional best practices unique to your needs. Contact us today!