LAUNCH Marketing Kit

How to Promote LAUNCH to Your Students

Take advantage of our marketing kit to start promoting your new LAUNCH Program to your students! These easy-to-use templates, personalized communications and best practice tips not only resulted in a 40% increase in student engagement but also lead to 50% open rates and 10% click-thru rates – 3x national averages! 

Best Practices for Email Marketing

  • Resend email communication more than one time—but put a new spin on your message if you’re resending. It often takes multiple touchpoints before a subscriber engages with what you’re sending. You can test new subject lines and images to put a fresh spin on your messaging. Just be sure not to over email your students, or they may start ignoring important messages or even worse, mark your email address as spam. We recommend 2-3 emails on the same topic over the course of two weeks.
  • Create a communications calendar. It’s easy to get swept up in all the competing priorities your office faces on a daily basis. By creating a communications calendar, you can hold your staff accountable and get a big picture look at the cadence of your communications.
  • Take advantage of peer ambassadors. Students understand how to best communicate to their peers. Consider employing peer ambassadors on an hourly or volunteer basis to send emails out to other students using a language they understand.
  • Personalize communication. The next generation of students expect everything to be tailored to them. Think about how Netflix and Amazon serve up unique recommendations for each individual profile. When developing your communications calendar, you’ll see the most success by emailing targeted groups of students. Class year is a good starting point because the job search process and timelines will vary for freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors and graduate students. Communication may also vary for different majors and programs.
  • Use multiple communication channels. We recommend sending email reminders through different channels including but not limited to GradLeaders Career Center, your career center’s third-party marketing platform and your Cerkl Automated Newsletters.