6 Ways Career Centers Can Engage Students via Text Messages

SMS Text Messages Career Services Tips

Struggling with student engagement? Looking for a new method or creative way to finally get your students’ attention? We know that college students are always on their phones, so GradLeaders has come up with a few ways for career centers to “meet them where they are” through text messages. Text messaging is a simple and reliable method to reach students anywhere, anytime. The key to any communication is to create personalized messages that directly apply to the recipient’s current situation.

Here are a few texting strategies to reach more students and increase engagement with your career center.

Schedule appointments with career coaches
The early stages of a student’s education are the prime time for career centers to connect with them. At this stage in the student journey, they often don’t have a career chosen or a plan set in place. Career coaches and advisors should reach out to students through text to set up a time to meet virtually or in person. Go over their interests and goals to create a career plan and give them options.
Ex: “Hey Sarah! This is Elizabeth from the career center, and I’ll be your career coach. I’d love to set up a time to go over your interests, goals, and class schedule to see how I can support you throughout your college career. Visit this link to sign up for a one-on-one meeting! (Insert link)”

Send reminders
Sending students reminders directly through texts ensures that they don’t miss appointments or upcoming events. If students can’t attend their previously scheduled obligation, they’ll be more likely to reschedule if they receive a text and are able to instantly find a new timeslot that works for them. With GradLeaders, appointment reminder text notifications can be automated. But you can always send addiitonal follow-ups manually as well.
Ex: “Hi Sarah! Just a reminder that your resume review appointment will be this evening from 3:00-3:30 through the GradLeaders portal. I look forward to seeing you then!”

Announce networking events and career fairs
Send students a short text message letting them know about upcoming networking events or career fairs with a link that provides more detailed information. Students won’t read long messages about an event or multiple events if they’re not of interest. Target specific events to specific students and then allow them to learn more by visiting the link on their own time.
Ex: “Hey Sarah. (College name) will be hosting a virtual engineering career fair on (insert date) and we’d love to see you there! (Insert a few company names) will be there to share exciting opportunities. Check out this link to learn more. (Insert link)”

Send survey links
After you host an event or workshop, be sure to follow up with a link to a feedback survey. This will allow students to quickly and easily provide invaluable feedback so you can improve next time.
Ex: “Hi Sarah, what did you think of the event last week? Be sure to give us feedback on the (event or workshop name) by completing this quick survey. It should only take a few minutes. (Insert link)”

Schedule Interviews
Let students know when employers of interest come to campus or have open interview slots. Career centers can find right-fit companies based on a student’s profile on GradLeaders.
Ex: “Hey Sarah, this is Elizabeth your career coach! (Company name) will be on campus tomorrow from 12-4. Would you like to sign up for a 30-minute interview?”

Share relevant job postings
New job opportunities get posted to GradLeaders all the time. Share relevant job posting with students based on their major, experience, or career preferences so they never miss an opportunity.
Ex: “Hey Sarah! ACME just posted about an open position with their company, and I think you’d be a great fit. You can check out the job posting and apply here if you’re interested! (Insert link)”

GradLeaders offers multiple automated text message reminders and notifications from the system plus gives career center staff easy-to-use text messaging tools to engage students directly. Need help? Don’t hesitate to contact us.