27 Campus Recruiting Email Templates for Employers to Send Students

 GradLeaders REACH Campus Recruiting Email Templates

Need help attracting, recruiting, hiring, and retaining top student talent? GradLeaders has developed a strategic process that goes beyond simply posting a job and reviewing resumes to help employers proactively find and hire more right-fit candidates. To outline our unique formula, we use a simple acronym, REACH:

  • RAISE Brand Awareness
  • EDUCATE Students about Opportunities
  • ATTRACT Interested Job Seekers
  • CHOOSE Right-Fit Employees
  • HIRE Students

This easy-to-follow process covers everything from employment branding to onboarding. Below is our five-step plan and 27 personalized email templates recruiters can use to make the campus recruiting process as simple as possible:

  • RAISE Brand Awareness
  • EDUCATE Students about Opportunities
  • ATTRACT Interested Job Seekers
  • CHOOSE Right-Fit Employees
  • HIRE Students


Leverage the links below to follow the step-by-step REACH plan and start taking advantage of these email templates today!

Read the Detailed Step-by-Step Plan

Download All 27 Email Templates (zip)

Download the Complete To-Do List

GradLeaders REACH Task List