How to Properly Utilize Your Career Center During College

How to Properly Utilize Your Career Center During College

College students who visit their career center are more likely to receive a full-time job right after graduation than students who don’t, according to a recent Gallup study. These students are also more likely to say that their school prepared them well for life after college. The problem is that many students don’t properly utilize their career centers, and some don’t visit them at all. It’s important for students to understand the value career centers can provide for life after college.

Here are a few ways to ensure you’re getting the most out of your career center during your time in school.

Educate Yourself on All Available Resources: Career centers are made up of professional mentors who provide a wide range of assistance to all students. These career coaches and advisors offer many resources to help job seekers with career goals and employment services. Typical resources include workshops, advising appointments, interview practice, and more.

Visit your online career center portal to view all the resources made available to you. Explore those materials and sign up for appointments and events that fit your schedule.

Visit Early and Often: Visit your career center early on in your college career. If you start using these resources early on, the career coaches will be able to provide continuous support throughout your journey.

Make appointments with advisors and career coaches at least once a semester to evaluate your personal career path and ensure you’re on the right track. Career coaches have extensive experience and can help you identify the best resources for your specialized career path.

Stay Updated on Career Fairs: Connect with your career center to prepare for upcoming career fairs and find out which companies will be attending. Be sure to find out if it’s virtual or in-person and prepare accordingly.

Before the career fair, meet with a career coach to learn best practice tips like what to wear, what to bring, and what to say.

Attend Workshops: Career centers offer workshops for resume and cover letter help as well as LinkedIn profile review, job search coaching, practice interviews and more.

Be sure to attend at least one workshop covering each topic. Even if you think your resume or cover letter is perfect, it never hurts to get feedback from a professional. In the end it will make your documents stronger and help you grow.