Increase Student + Employer Engagement with New Email Platform and Analytics

Increase student and employer engagement with your career center by taking advantage of our new email marketing platform and analytics within the GradLeaders Career Center platform.

Despite the rumors, email is still the #1 channel for engaging your target audience “outperforming any other channel.” We all check our email every day – well 99% of us do at least. Mobile devices are a big reason for that, mobile email opens account for 46% of all email opens. “And, despite the rise of social messaging apps, more than 3/4 of teenagers are still using email. In fact, they consider email a ‘fact of everyday life,’” according to OptInMonster.

Because of this, our team spent a lot of time getting our new email marketing platform within GradLeaders Career Center right before launching. We spent months testing, scrubbing email addresses, and warming up IP address to ensure the highest possible open, click-through, and delivery rates. And it paid off! Since launching in March, we have 43% open rates on 2,322,040 emails sent through or platform and 3% click-through rates (CTR). That’s well above the education and training industry standards of 22% and 2% respectively.


Because email deliverability is key to all of this, we started verifying every student and employer email address during registration. Now bounce rates are down to an all-time low of 1.86% over the last 30 days.

We also spent months working out ways to allow for each email’s “From” address to actually be your users’ email addresses and branded to your school so your recipients open them. These emails should come from the trusted names of people they know and have relationships with – not from technology vendors generic no-reply marketing email addresses.


Want to learn more or chat about email best practices to increase student and employer engagement? Contact us today.

